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October 9, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes October 9, 2013  7:00pm  Town Hall, Princeton, MA

Meeting called to order at  7:03 PM.  Committee Members Present:

Steve Cullen
John Kowaleski
Petr Spacek
Dag Olsen
Stan Moss
Dag Olsen
Rich Wagner
Phil O’Brien
Ned Utzig

Chris Lynch from Matrix Design Group also attended.


  • Discussion on strategy regarding talks with Comcast/Charter.  What would we want to ask, parameters of discussion etc.
  • PBBC is not a policy-making entity, our discussion can’t be for exact/binding terms.
  • Cable franchise would negotiate with board of selectman
  • Are the companies willing to build or just
  • Possible approach of writing an RFP for cable companies to bid on network design to gauge response
  • Similar discussions to be set up with Comcast
  • Municipal cost savings article Stan distributed:
  • Most/all are leasing BW from cable companies
  • Ben Whittaker called Stan, asked for network design details from NH FastRoads for reference.  Details Stan shared from conversation:
  • High discount for volume on ONTs (Callix)
  • Fixed price maintenance model
  • Open access network
  • $140/100M  $170/150M etc.
  • 3 ISPs, very competitive with each other
  • John still updating pole DB for network design.  
  • Some holes in data found where poles were missed.  
  • Some photos missing, need to go back for missing data.
  • Need photos from 140 to Hobbs rd. , Old County rd, etc.
  • May need to move out info sessions, end of October earliest, based on design schedule timeline.
  • Plan for Q&A response.  Phil, Rich, Ned will handle question response.  Known questions will be answered without discussion at the BBC meeting.  New or controversial questions will be discussed at the meeting before responding.  Follow-up emails to confirm questions are answered, with invite to BBC meeting if not.
  • Stan discussed whether Princeton can purchase off the GSA schedule, possible/low priority.
New Action Items
  • Steve/John initial call with Comcast.  Follow on call/visit to BBC after.
  • Meeting with Comcast on 10/23
  • Ned/Phil/Rich to triage and respond to questions on website/email.
Ongoing Business / Long Term Action Items

  • Decide date of special town meeting and info sessions (All)
  • John/Stan to work on revised depreciation plan. (John/Stan)

Agenda for 10/16
  • No meeting next week (10/16)
  • Next meeting 10/23 – Agenda is discussion with Charter reps.
Meeting adjourned 8:25 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig